John Hampden Probus Club

  • Many will not know that PROBUS is a nationwide organisation set up over 25 years ago as a Club for retired and semi retired professional and business men, primarily to replace the fellowship lost when they retire, and to make new friends brought together in a relaxed environment over a regular lunch.
  • Our club membership is open to those living within as 10 mile radius of the John Hampden Statue in Market Square Aylesbury by invitation from existing members and for fellow members moving into the area from other existing Probus clubs.
  • This year has been particularly successful.
  • In the last 12 months

  • Members and their wives have been entertained at a finger buffet lunch by a Magic Circle award winning close up magician,
  • Been described the discovery of the double helix and how DNA has changed all our lives,
  • Listened to the experiences of a member who worked with the last five prime ministers,
  • The wonder of being an electronics officer on board the three different V bombers in the 60s
  • The head of visitor experience at Waddesdon Manor describing the background to the phenomenal amount of work and money put in for the Christmas decoration of the Manor in order to open it for the enjoyment of children and their parents over the Christmas period,
  • And last month a retired Test pilot reminiscing about his time teaching pilots at Nellis AFB – the Top Gun school.
  • Bearing in mind we are not an educational Club the topics we try to present are more of an interesting informative nature and in the coming months we will learn over lunches
  • How music can unlock memories and its aid in helping dementia patients
  • Dogs are being trained to use their sense of smell to detect illnesses in humans
  • The background and set up of Camelot national lottery
  • An OAP’saccountof his Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • For further inquiries please contact Alan Myers 01296 622448