- Local Businesses76
- Computers TV & Electronics3
- Advertising0
- Agricultural0
- Animal Services2
- Building & Property Services16
- Charity0
- Childrens Activities0
- Cultural and the Arts3
- Digital Marketing0
- Domestic4
- Driving Services0
- Education4
- Electrical2
- Environment0
- Events Management0
- Executive Transport0
- Fashion0
- Food & Drink2
- Fuel1
- Fundraising0
- Funeral Services1
- Garden Services5
- General0
- Gifts, Jewellery and Art2
- Graphic Design0
- Hair & Beauty0
- Health & Social Care12
- Hobbies and Crafts0
- House Sales & Rentals0
- Information Technology2
- Inns, Lodgings, Bed & Breakfast0
- Interior Design1
- Meeting Space1
- Motor Vehicles & Bicycles4
- Music tuition0
- Other0
- Physical Activities5
- Plumbing & Heating2
- Printing & Publishing0
- Professional Services6
- Pubs, Restaurants and cafés1
- Removals & Storage1
- Retail5
- Tailoring Services1
- Transport0
- Travel0
- Venue2
- Website Design1
- Antiques2