Exciting new online educational resources and interactive presentations are now available for Buckinghamshire’s schools from the Greatmoor Energy from Waste (EfW) facility.
Local solar farm contributes £9000 to schools and young carers
Thanks to the Gawcott Fields Community Solar Farm – gawcottsolar.co.uk over £9000 has been given to local schools to support the education of children at home and ensure that they can progress as well as possible in these difficult times.
Bucks outperforms targets on CO2 emissions
Successful carbon reduction projects across Buckinghamshire County Council’s services and infrastructure have resulted in an impressive 41% reduction in the amount of carbon dioxide produced in 2018/19 compared with the baseline set in 2009/10.
Greatmoor celebrates achievements on its third anniversary
Greatmoor Energy from Waste Plant is 3!
Kerbside power to the electric vehicle people
Twenty new kerbside electric vehicle charging points across Buckinghamshire will go live on Friday (12 July)
Reduce your energy bills through County Council scheme
Feeling the pinch or just want to get the best deals for your household energy supplies?
Energy saving power in your hands
The county may have avoided the worst of the cold this winter so far, but the chances are residents still want to spend less on energy bills
New energy strategy is a light-bulb moment for Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire generates little of its own energy, and the county is reliant on external sources for nearly 97% of its power. Only 3.2% is generated by local renewable sources.
Energy auction gives average savings of £292
Residents who signed up to the Big Community Switch – a collective energy switching scheme supported by Buckinghamshire County Council – are this week learning how much they could save on fuel bills (w/b February 16).
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