All monthly Society talks are held in the Anthony Hall, Aston Clinton and start at 8 pm.
They are all free to members, but there will be a raffle and produce & plant stall to defray costs. Non-members are charged at £2. Coffee and tea are served in the interval.
Please note that all events are subject to change, depending on Covid restrictions. Updates & additional information on events will be communicated regularly via Newsletter, Email and Facebook.
Wed 11 January, 8pm, AGM, Anthony Hall
Wed 8 February, 8pm, Talk, “The Art of Bonsai”, Harry Harrington, Anthony Hall
Wed 8 March, Talk, “Maud Grieve, the Herbalist”, Claire de Carle, Anthony Hall
Sat 18 March, 7pm, Social Evening, Fish & Chip Supper & Quiz, Anthony Hall
Wed 29 March, 6pm – 7.45pm Spring Show Entry Night, Anthony Hall
Sat 1 April, 2pm Spring Show & Plant Sale, Aston Clinton School
Wed 12 April, 8pm, Talk “Luton Hoo Walled Garden”, Ron Basciano, Anthony Hall
Wed 10 May, 8pm, Talk “Carnivorous Plants”, Theo Gardiner, Anthony Hall
Sat 13 May, 10am – 1pm, Plant Sale, Aston Clinton Park
Wed 7 June, 6pm – 8pm, Visit to Home Farm Plants, Delphinium Specialists
Wed 14 June, 8pm, Talk “Millhoppers Pasture”, Butterfly Conservation, Anthony Hall
14 – 18 June, All Saints’ Church, Buckland, Flower Festival
Sun 25 June, Buckland Open Gardens TBC
Thu 6 July, Garden Visit by Coach, Nymans (National Trust)
Wed 16 August, 6pm – 7.45pm, Summer Show Entry Night, Anthony Hall
Sat 19 August, 2pm, Summer Show & Plant Sale, Aston Clinton School
Wed 13 Sept, 8pm, Talk “Are we taking the English countryside for granted?”, Paula Buck, Chair CPRE Bucks, Anthony Hall
Wed 11 October, 8pm, Talk, “12 months on the allotment Part 1”, John Marshall, Anthony Hall
Wed 8 November, 8pm, Talk, “Performance Plants: The Art of Low Maintenance Gardening”, Dr Sandy Primrose, Anthony Hall
Wed 13 December, 8pm, Christmas social, Anthony Hall