February 17 – On Zoom Kim Thittichai- “Textile Travels”
March 23 – SUSAN DYE- Growing and using your own dyes in textile craft
April 20 – SANDIE LUSH “Old Cloth to New Cloth”
May 18 – MARGARET TEMPERLEY- from Princes Risborough Lace Making Group
June 15 – MARILYN PIPE will give us a talk entitled “I am a Textile Nomad”
July 20 – KATIE JONES – local artist
August 17 – OPEN MEETING –STITCHING SESSION free to non-members.
September 21 – Jill Kipnis – a talk about key elements needed to create a good embroidery design
October 19 – Anna Nikipirowicz on Knitting and Crochet
November 16 – Amanda Hislop: talk entitled – Of Land, Sea, Sky and Trees – stitch, painting and mixed media
December 7 – Open Meeting Free to non-members. Members can bring their own stitching projects.
Our monthly Meetings for the rest of the year will be at Wendover Memorial Hall, Wharf Road, Wendover, Bucks HP22 6HF Hall from 2:00 – 4:30.
Please do share our Programme with other people in your own networks – members, visitors, friends and supporters are always welcome. To join our AVS friends list please contact aylesburyvalestitchers@gmail.com
Our Membership for the whole year is £60 and that includes the price of all talks. If you attend as a Visitor then the cost is £7 per session.
We have a Sales Table each month, a Raffle and Tea/ Coffee and cake. We hope to see you there!
Contact details are aylesburyvalestitchers@gmail.com for any queries. Visitors always welcome.