Bucks Historical Association Talks
The Bucks Historical Association has an annual programme of talks which are now online for the foreseeable future. Register at: secretarybucksha@gmail.com.



18 JAN

Prof Duncan Garrow, Archaeology, University of Reading

Alternative Icons? Rethinking symbols of power at the time of Stonehenge

15 FEB

Prof Stephen Smith, Emeritus Fellow, All Souls College, University of Oxford

Supernatural Rumour in Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China

15 MAR

Harold Liberty, Independent Researcher and Author

Brigadier John Tiltman – better than Turing?

19 APR

Dr Dean A Irwin, Independent Scholar

The Lord Edward and the Jews

17 MAY

Prof Laura Gowing, Dept of History, King’s College, London

Networks of Opportunity: women and apprenticeship in 17th century London

17 JUN

SUMMER Afternoon Event: Old Linslade Church and its restored medieval

wall paintings, led by Dr Richard Gem, with a tour of the village

(details will be forthcoming in the year)

Admission to meetings is free to full and associate members of the Historical Association.

Visitors and Students WELCOME and donations of £3 appreciated

Please contact secretary for bank transfer details or post cheque to below

Associate membership of the Branch is £12 for the year from October 2022.

Please pay by standing order, bank transfer (contact for details) or by cheque, payable to Historical Association-Bucks Branch, with the slip below (and s.a.e. if you want a receipt).


To: Terry Bloxham (Hon Secretary), 138 High Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1RB Tel: 01296 708926 E-mail: secretarybucksha@gmail.com