NIA Classes
Starting from October 2019, Melina – a local mum and Nia dance teacher – will be introducing barefoot joyful dance classes to the Wendover community.


What is Nia? You may ask…

And what do I wear…?


Nia combines yoga, relaxed dance and gentle martial arts done to to uplifting music. Taken at your own level, in your own natural time….Moving peacefully in ways your body is intended to move….

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable, wear whatever makes you feel good….


The classes will be run on a donation basis with all donations going to local and global health organisations such as :

Greenpeace, Woodland Trust, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Advance Centre, MIND, Amazon Rainforest Fund and various others…


Each month, notice will be given to how much was raised and which charity received the donation.

In at times a very selfish world I feel it is important to make some time to give something back. By nurturing our bodies we nurture our souls, our communities and our world…

Do come along for yourself to find out more…


Thursdays 1030-1130am Wendover Memorial Hall starting on the 10th October then every Thursday…

No classes on October 17th, November 21st, December 19th due to the monthly antiques market.


All ages and abilities are welcome. Feel free to bring little ones and older ones. Nia is a joyful movement practice for everybody, we move in ways the body was naturally designed to move in, we listen to uplifting music and we share with others. Come have some fun doing what feels good and possibly getting fit.

