Fifty years ago on 30th January 1965, over one hundred Aircraft Apprentices from 104 Entry RAF Halton, provided route lining and honour guards to the funeral of Sir Winston Churchil
Rare Roman burial finds go on show
The echoes of mourning faded almost 2,000 years ago, but the exclamation of amazement was definitely 21st century when Buckinghamshire archaeologists carefully uncovered a Roman burial casket.
Lights Out, August 2014
“Lights Out” is an invitation to everyone in the UK to turn off their lights from 10pm to 11pm, leaving on a single light or candle for this shared moment of reflection, see also
Family of Alan Turing Visit Bletchley Park
More than twenty members of Codebreaker Alan Turing’s family visited Bletchley Park on Sunday 8 February.
Halton Take Charge of a Link Air Training Simulator
The James McCudden Air Power Centre at RAF Halton has taken charge of a Link Air Training Simulator.
The Debs of Bletchley Park tell their stories
Book launch brings Veterans back to Bletchley Park
January Bletchley Park Podcast
The January 2015 episode of the Bletchley Park Podcast, Crucial Contributions, is out now
Bletchley Park Podcast Christmas Special – A Landmark Year
The Bletchley Park Podcast Christmas Special – A Landmark Year – is out now on Audioboom’s Bletchley Park Channel and iTunes.
Wendover Remembers, January 1915
The Wendover Parish Magazine recorded the death of Mr F. How a well-known local butcher whose family had traded on the High Street for over 100 years.
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