Letters to the Editor

The Editor welcomes correspondence on any topic which has been in Wendover News or may be of interest to its readers.

Please email us at the usual address: editor@wendovernews.co.uk or telephone 07340 993802 or speak to us in the town.

Letters may be edited and may or may not be published at the Editor’s discretion. Material published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor.

We’d love to hear from you.

HS2 Cometh

‘HS2 cometh’ your caption stated in the May (2019) edition. I visited the Colne Valley Nature Reserves Harvil Road, UB9 6JW on the weekend of 27/28th April to see what…

Is HS2 Justified?

Letters to the Editor
HS2? Following the recent Channel 4 Despatches programme revealing the terrible state of existing rail services to and from Manchester especially at peak commute times, with old rolling stock and…


Letters to the Editor
There is a cat – small, short-haired and in traditional tabby colours – that has been spending increasing amounts of time this summer in my garden shed and around my…

War Gen

Letters to the Editor
I have recently offered to support an organisation called War Gen, whose goal is to record interviews with people who served in World War II. These interviews can be audio…

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