078 0508 3595
The Old School House,
Buckland Village,
HP22 5HU
On Monday, November 25, 2024 a campaign was launched to revitalise Buckland Village Hall with the introduction of a new website and the appointment of two new trustees.
An online booking system, making it easier for hirers to choose dates and times, has been set up as part of an accessible website – – with all the relevant information online.
Those wishing to hire the hall will be invoiced via the system and will be able to make their payments to the charity through the website. The website features a brief survey, also available on the hall’s Facebook page and Everything Buckland.
The survey has been designed to get some basic answers from the local community on how they have used the hall in the past and what it might be used for in the future. All Buckland residents are encouraged to participate.
The two new trustees are Linda Oatley and Richard Peel, who has been appointed the Chair of the Charity.
Said Richard: “We all want to reinvigorate the charity by holding more activities and events and creating a genuine hub for the community. We’ll do this by consulting more widely, locally; by promoting events and activities more vigorously and by being transparent in all we do.
“We want to make this a ‘hall for us all’ and that means encouraging, in particular, more activities for young people, greater use of the hall for arts and educational purposes and the scheduling of a few bigger events to bring the community together.”
The website also features profiles of all the trustees, a history of the hall and a picture gallery. There is also an option for people to send in suggestions or make complaints via email and summaries of minutes of meetings will be posted for information.
The Village Hall is run by the Buckland Old School Trust, a registered charity, with a mission to fulfil its charitable purpose by making the village hall an all-inclusive place of recreation for the community of Buckland Parish by continuously consulting the public on its use and being transparent about its management and finances.
Further information from Richard Peel