
Russell Grant – Lindengate Patron

In April 2019 The Trustees, staff and volunteers were proud to announce that Russell Grant had become a Patron of Lindengate, Mental Health Charity.
After a private visit to Lindengate, Russell was impressed by the Social and Therapeutic Horticulture offered to those with mental health needs. Lindengate’s service users (known as Gardeners) attend managed sessions of gardening, arts, crafts, cooking and construction in our 5-acre natural haven which supports mental wellbeing.
Russell was interested that Lindengate organises “Memory Pathways” for those affected by Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Having lost his beloved grandmother, Alice, to Alzheimer’s, and being her carer for nine years, Russell could see the benefit of this bespoke service for our elderly Gardeners.

For more information click here

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