The Wendover Society Logo




Memorial Hall
Wharf Road

The Wendover Society

Membership Audit
For the first time in some years, a full audit of the membership was undertaken in the Spring 2022, with virtually every member contacted by a member of the Committee. This exercise confirmed that the Society has over 300 active members, all anxious and willing to receive news of the Society’s activities.

Members can access the details the Society has on file by contacting the Membership Secretary through the Society’s web site:

Joining the Wendover Society

It is easier than ever to join the Society online at Annual membership costs £20, but you can now pay by Direct Debit at the reduced rate of £15 through this link. This reduced rate is also available for existing members, simply click on and cancel any existing standing order.

The Wendover Society is on the move again. If you’re not a member, why not join at If you are already a member, consider volunteering to help the committee to achieve the Society’s original objective: “To protect the charm and scale of Wendover “.

We have a wide range of activities including meetings about development, environmental work projects, amusing and interesting speakers, campaigning on issues, an annual jazz picnic and regular surveys of members’ views.  We also work with and help other organisations in Wendover.

If you are interested in becoming a member, download a membership form on our website. For more details click on

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