Wendover Cricket Club Logo

07767 148119



Cricket Pavilion
HP22 6EG

Wendover Cricket Club

Girls-only sessions start 25 February 2023 for ages 9 to 13, contact the Juniors Manager Viral Patel on 07930 360495 or wccjuniorscontact@gmail.com as places are limited. Senior indoor nets start 25 February for ages 15 and above. 


The club is always keen to have new members of all ages and plays league and friendly cricket at weekends, competes in the Mid Bucks League and has a strong tradition and record of youth cricket, with over 200 junior members. We field teams at U19, U17, U15, U14, U13, U12, U11, U10 and U9 levels in both the Bucks and Aylesbury Leagues and in the Bucks Cup, as well as training for the U8’s. The club started a girls section in 2021 via ECB Dynamos, but is looking to provide their own programme in 2022 and to enter Bucks Girls Only Competitions; a female lead and extra coaching help/ support are sought and if anyone is interested, contact Jonathan as below.

Our beautiful game cannot run without Umpires and Scorers. Do you fancy doing either to help the club and on Saturdays in particular? You will get to visit many beautiful cricket grounds in our county and assistance can be given to get qualified.

Contact Jonathan as above for more Information on anything or check the website www.pitchero.com/clubs/wendovercricketclub.


In the background is the on-going development of the new ground at Tring Road. The planning decision/ permission is still awaited and once received, the first real signs of activity will be some archaeological works on the site; meanwhile work on the designs and tenders continue.

The latest updates and information on the club’s activities and match reports/ scorecards etc. can be found on www.pitchero.com/clubs/wendovercricketclub. and https://wendovercc.play-cricket.com



Junior Coordinator: Vee Patel  wccjuniorscontact@gmail.com
Club Captain: Jonathan Seabrook   jseabrook@talktalk.net
200 Club: Stuart Holcroft  stuart@fearlessputting.com
Web Site Administrator: Anshuman Pandit anshumanpandit@gmail.com

Current Affiliations
Buckinghamshire Cricket Board
Club Cricket Conference
Mid Bucks Cricket League
Aylesbury Midweek Cricket League
Grounds Management Association

Joining Wendover CC:

To join Wendover Cricket Club contact Jonathan Seabrook on 07767 148119.





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