Wendover U3A Logo





Wendover U3A

For more information click on their website. https://u3asites.org.uk/wendover/welcome

The u3a is a UK movement of people in their third age, no longer in full time work, who come together to learn, stay active and have fun in a friendly and informal environment. Previously known as the ‘University of the Third Age’, we are not a university at all, you need no qualifications to join us, nor will you be made to take exams!

Wendover’s u3a is a thriving organisation with over 400 members. We have over fifty different interest groups, ranging from Archaeology to Wine Appreciation and are always open to suggestions for new groups. We share knowledge and undertake educational, creative and leisure activities together. Along the way there is laughter, chatter, tea and coffee.

Group members decide how often to meet up, but very often it suits them to get together monthly. Group meetings can take place in locally hired rooms, occasionally in someone’s home, sometimes outdoors (walking for example) or perhaps a lunch venue. Members can also take part in regular trips and outings. Recent organised trips have been to Aylesbury theatre, Hidcote Manor, Bletchley Park and Cumbria.

Each month we hold our Main Meeting in St. Mary’s Church, open to all Wendover u3a members. Usually a speaker comes to give us a presentation. Recent ones have included ‘The Chiltern Hills Landscape’, ‘A Diplomat’s Recollections of Soviet Russia’ and ‘The Falklands Conflict’. However our next Main Meeting is different, as it’s an ‘open’ meeting. There will not be a speaker but there will be a couple of short presentations and a number of group displays.  

We would like to welcome non-members to come and meet us and see if they might like to join us. If you’re interested please come along to St Mary’s Church on Wednesday 3 August at 10am and see what we have to offer!


Antiques & Collectables

The Antiques & Collectables Group meets every third Monday afternoon in the month at the Chapel Hall from 2.30-4pm. We have various talks on different subjects within our ‘Antiques & Collectables’ title. We have meetings when members bring in various items which we discuss and cogitate over – we have seen some interesting items so far! – and go on trips to Antique Fairs, The Silver Vaults etc – we are enjoying many activities around our subject.

We look forward to your joining us. Contact the Group Leaders if you wish to join this group.  (antiques@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 614186)


The Art group meet on a Monday afternoon at 2.30pm at 181 Aylesbury Road, Wendover where they are instructed in the different techniques available for expressing themselves on paper by a local artist.

Membership to this group is restricted in numbers to allow artistic personal development within a secure learning environment.

Please contact the group leader for further information. (Art@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 612999)


Aston Clinton Birdwatching Group

We have field trips once a month, usually on the last Friday morning of the month, we meet at the Aston Clinton SSC car park at 9.00am, sort out car sharing and then go to a local site, Tring Reservoirs, College Lake, Wendover Woods etc.

We spend between 2 and 3 hours at the site looking for, identifying and discussing the birds we come across. The group are mostly beginners but there are 2 or 3 more experienced birders.

Anyone with an interest in birds is most welcome. All that required is a pair of binoculars and suitable outdoor clothing. We have in the past joined with the Aylesbury RSPB Group on coach trips further field.

If you require any other information please get in touch.  (01296 489513 )

Book Club

The book club takes place on mutually agreed dates, normally from 2 – 4.00pm, at members’ houses.

We discuss books chosen by members. Because of limitations in numbers it is important you contact the group leader if interested in joining this group.  (Bookclub@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 624516)



The original bridge group has been meeting since this U3A started for sociable bridge with beginners, improvers and more experienced players.

Limited to 14 members because of meeting in members’ houses, this group is full. However, a new group, Bridge2, was started by Barbara Bittenbender and is open for new members of any ability.

See below for details.  (Bridge@wtu3a.org.ok – 01296 614579)

Bridge 2

Bridge 2 is a mixed ability group that meets at the group leaders house in Weston Turville. It has been running for some time and meets weekly.

If you are interested in learning how to play bridge this is a good place to start! All learners are very welcome.(Bridge2@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613138)


The canasta group meets at 2pm, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month at The Hub, Aston Clinton. We play the Classic Canasta version of the game which is a form of rummy.

It is a mixed ability group with the emphasis on entertainment whilst playing cards!


Contact the group leader if you wish to join in. (canasta@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 614186)

Come Dancing

We meet on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 1.30 for 2.00pm and trip the light fantastic until 4.00pm.

The venue is The Alfred Rose Centre, Dunsham Lane, Manor Park, Aylesbury. All are welcome for dancing or just for tea and a chat.

There is an opportunity to learn the ‘moves’ prior to the main session.

Contact the group leader for more information.  (comedancing@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 293220)


This group is run in conjunction with Aston Clinton U3A and has members from Aston Clinton, Weston Turville, Wendover and Tring U3A’s.

The class is split into two groups, beginners and improvers. The beginners are taken through the basic functions and how to access, edit, save etc. as well as the use of the internet. The improvers’ classes are designed to give you the confidence to utilise your computer to compliment your life style and have included such subjects as Excel spread-sheets and how to use them to sort and organise your affairs, mail merge, making cards and calendars, transferring and saving documents and pictures, and using the Intenet safely.

Both classes are instructor led and there are a number of laptops for use for those who do not have their own. The group meets once a month on the second Monday between 10 and 12pm at Aston Clinton Sports and Social Club.  (Computers@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613958)


We meet on the 2nd Wednesday in the month at the Chapel Hall, Weston Turville, from 10.00 -12.00 to explore a range of different crafts from beading to paper crafts.

For more information please contact the group leader if you are interested in learning new crafts or improving your existing skills.  (Crafts@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613876)

 Digital Photography

This monthly group is looks at all aspects of digital photography from the artistic to the technical through composition, camera controls to software processing of images for print, publication or the web.

The activity and discussion will range from the most basic to whatever level members can achieve. The current group have a wide range of skills and it is the objective of the group, like that of the U3A, to both learn and assist others in their learning. Above all, this group should have fun making images that please them.

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 3pm, usually at The Hub in Aston Clinton.

Please contact the group leader for further information.   (Photography@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 612883)

Discussion Group

The discussion group is held once a month 10.30-12.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month at 2 Main Street, Weston Turville.

The subject to be discussed is decided on prior to the meeting and everyone is encouraged to participate in the debate.

The meetings are kept deliberately small so that everyone can speak, listen and learn about a subject in relaxed and friendly environment.

If you are interested in joining this group or knowing more about it please contact the group leader for further information.   ( 01296 613471)

Family History

The Weston Turville U3A Family History group offers a practical approach to researching your ancestors.

It is not formally led but utilises the skills and knowledge of the members to assist you with compiling your own family trees, overcoming those obstacles that occur with most family tree researches and giving advice on recording and storing the information you have found out.

A laptop is an advantage but not essential! The group meets on the third Thursday at 10 -12.00pm. at 250 Wendover Road, Aylesbury.

Contact the group leader for further information.  (Familyhistory@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613958)

Film Night

The film night group meet once a month at a member’s house and watch westerns or classic films. They normally meet on a Tuesday evening.

Numbers are limited because of space, so if you are interested in joining this group please contact the group leader.   (Westerns@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613703)


Flower Arranging

activities-imageWe meet on the second Monday each month at Buckland Village Hall from 2:15 to 4:00pm to arrange and explore different ways to create floral designs.

Using seasonal flowers we will create traditional and contemporary floral arrangements according a monthly theme shown for each month in the web diary.

We welcome beginners to our group. For more information please contact Gaynor Edwards  (Flowers@wtu3a.org.uk or 01296 624687)

Garden Visits

From March to October visits are arranged to a wide wide range of gardens; details of which will be found in the Diary.

We will be looking to find many varied examples of different gardens to explore.

These will appeal not just to the garden lover but to the photographer, the flower arranger and the artist.

From early spring to autumn  our garden visits will take us to local gardens opening especially for our group and also visit other gardens further afield.

For more information see the WTU3A web-site Diary or contact the group leader, Gaynor Edwards   (Gardens@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 624687)

Historic Buildings

This group is for those people interested in old buildings, including dwellings, places of work, education and agricultural buildings. Many of the buildings are local and typically a guided tour is arranged; giving access to places which are not normally open to the public.

Transport is arranged through car sharing and most outings are a half day or less in duration.

The proposed visits are circulated by email and at the monthly meetings. For further information contact the group leader.   (Historicbuildings@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613172)

Jazz Appreciation Group

This group meets on the second Monday of the month between 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. We explore the development of jazz during the 20th century to date and the profiles of the musicians and bands performing. We select a different subject each month and members can bring their own selection for all to listen to on CD or cassette.

Contact group leader for more information. (Jazz@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613772)


Line Dancing

Organised by Aston Clinton U3A. We meet at Halton Village Hall on the third Monday morning of each month, for an hour from 10.30 to 11.30.

We have a teacher who really puts us through our paces; as a result there is a charge of about £6 per session to cover all the costs.

Its great fun, not difficult, and a good work out for both mind and body!

Contact the group leader for more information.  (Linedancing@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 615160)

Local History

This group is for members who would like to know more about the area where they live.

We have decided to concentrate on local history within Buckinghamshire and we have a mixture of visits and speakers which explore this ancient county.

We meet once a month at the Chapel Hall in  Weston Turville and visits are arranged on an ad hoc basis.

The meetings are on the fourth Tuesday at 1030-1230 pm. For further information contact the group leader.   (Localhistory@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613556)

Mexican Train (Dominoes)

Mexican Train, also known as simply Trains, is a game played with dominoes. The object of the game is for a player to play all the dominoes from his or her hand onto one or more chains, or “trains”, emanating from a central hub or “station”.

This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 2pm at The Hub, Aston Clinton.It is an all ability group, no previous experience required.

Contact the group leader if you wish to join us.   (Mexicantrain@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 614186)

Money Matters

The aim of this group is to provide information on a variety of topics via speakers from all aspects of the financial world.

We meet on the first Thursday of the month at 2.30pm at Weston Turville Chapel Hall. This is a very popular group and members are requested to contact the group leader if they wish to attend.

Contact the group leader for more information.   (MoneyMatters@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 485765)


This sociable and friendly group remains as popular ever. We continue to work on our own projects, many of which have been completed and admired and new ones started.

We meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 2.30 – 4.30pm at 2, School Lane, Weston Turville. Because of the limit on numbers attending it is important you make contact with the group leader prior to attending.  (Needlework@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 612221)



The nostalgia group encompasses topics which are a general interest in past eras and their personalities and events, especially the “good old days,” such as a sudden image, or remembrance of something from one’s childhood.

The meetings held at 2 Main Street, Weston Turville, at 10:30am on the 2nd Tuesday of each month have an emphasis on ‘fun’ and participants are encouraged to reminisce in a positive manner!

For more information please contact the group leader.  (01296 613471)

Patchwork & Quilting

The Patchwork & Quilting Groups hold their meetings on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday in the month at Weston Turville Chapel.
The more experienced quilters meet in the morning from 10am-12pm and beginners meet in the afternoon from 2pm – 4pm.
Group leader Maureen Reeves is on hand with both groups to provide guidance with individual projects and tuition in the basic skills and techniqucs needed to make quilts of all sizes.

Essential equipment needed – sewing machine with a quarter inch foot or able to sew a quarter inch seam, rotary cutter, rulers, cutting mat and general sewing kit.

Skills needed – Familiar with basic functions of sewing machine and attention to detail.

If you would like to know more contact the group leader.  (Quilting@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613659)

Philosophy Group

What is it all about?
Who am I?
What should I do?
What is society?

These and others questions, which often produce controversial answers and sometimes no clear answer at all, are what we discuss and talk about in the philosophy group.

We have been looking at different difficult questions and the assumptions behind them. We are currently considering how best to proceed in future which being a philosophy group is an open question.

We meet on the 3rd Friday of the month between 10.30 and 12.30. If you are interested in joining this group please contact the group leader.  (Philosophy@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613099)


Pilates is a non-impact form of exercise suitable for all ages and abilities. Pilates focuses on eight principles – control, breathing, centring, precision, movement, isolation, concentration and routine.By combining these with specific exercises you will see your body change and your health improve.

Our group is instructed by Jill Currie who holds a level 3 qualification in Matwork Pilates and is registered as a level 3 trainer on the Register of Exercise Professionals.

For more information about Pilates or the instructor then please visit Jill’s websitewww.jillcurriepilates.co.uk

The Weston Turville U3A has Pilates sessions every Tuesday at Aston Clinton Guide Hall between 12 and 1pm. The classes are small and personal to ensure a high standard of instruction, supervision and expertise. All equipment is provided by Jill.

Because of the restricted class sizes anyone interested in joining this group should contact the group leader in the first instance.   (Pilates@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613958)

Poetry Reading 1

Poetry Group 1 is for those of us who love poetry and feel that it is even more enjoyable when read aloud. It is a chance to dust off those poems recalled from our schooldays and to discover others that may become favourites.

We have a theme each month – some more tricky than others – but always seem to find verse to fulfill the brief. We have explored ‘Lust’ (very popular!), ‘Pirates and Criminals, ‘Magic & Mystery’ among many other topics.

Meetings are held in members’ homes, usually on the third Tuesday of the month from 2.30pm.   (Poetryreading1@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 489812)

Poetry Reading 2

Due to the popularity of poetry reading, a second poetry group has been formed and meets on the 4th Thursday from 10.30 –1230pm at 2, Main Street, Weston Turville. Due to limits on numbers please contact the group leader if you wish to attend.  (01296 613471)

This was written by Lord Cromer, published in the Spectator of August 9th, 1902

When the English tongue we speak.
Why is break not rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it’s true
We say sew but likewise few?
And the maker of the verse,
Cannot rhyme his horse with worse?
Beard is not the same as heard
Cord is different from word.
Cow is cow but low is low
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose, dose, and lose

And think of goose and yet with choose
Think of comb, tomb and bomb,
Doll and roll or home and some.
Since pay is rhymed with say
Why not paid with said I pray?
Think of blood, food and good.
Mould is not pronounced like could.
Wherefore done, but gone and lone –
Is there any reason known?
To sum up all, it seems to me
Sound and letters don’t agree.


The Scrabble group meets at 10:00 on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the 5 Bells Public House in Weston Turville.

There is no charge for attending, but each member is expected to buy a drink during the session for the use of the premises. Please contact the organiser prior to attending for the first time.   (Scrabble@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 614825)

Singing For Fun

The singing group is in collaboration with the Wendover and Aston Clinton U3As and is held on the second Wednesday of the month between 10.30 and 12.00pm at Halton Village Hall.

The group consists of singers of all abilities and everyone is encouraged to participate and have fun.

Contact the group leader for more information.    (singing@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 640230)


The Strollers group meets twice a month on the second and fourth Friday at 10am at Weston Turville Village Hall. You can share the car transport to the stroll if you wish.

There may be slight slopes but no stiles, unless indicated in the list of walks. The pace is set by the slowest member and there are rest stops en route, and plenty of chat which continues in the cafe or pub afterwards.

The walks last between 1 and 1½ hours. If you enjoy the countryside, and would like to talk to others whilst getting some exercise please join us.

New members are always welcome. Just meet us at the Village Hall car park or contract the group leader for further information.   (Strollers@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613725)

Table Tennis

The table Tennis Group meet weekly on Wednesday and Thursday from 2.30 – 4.00pm at Aston Clinton Youth Club, situated adjacent to The Hub, Aston Clinton Park.

Table Tennis offers a lot of fun and exercise and is a game that can be enjoyed at any level and at any age!

If you would like to know more contact the group leader.   (Tabletennis@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 612999)

Theatre Trips

This is not an organised group but a means of getting discount theatre tickets for the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury.

A list of available tickets is circulated by email and at the monthly meetings.

If you are interested in obtaining discounted tickets, please contact the organiser for information.   (Theatre@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 613772.)

Visiting Churches

Visiting Churches group aims to visit Churches of historical interest that have unusual architecture, or wall paintings and have a story to tell. Some will be within a half an hour journey, and some will be further if they are of special interest, after our visit those that want to, can have teas / coffee at a local pub/café.

Visits will take place on the third Wed of the month in the afternoon, departure between 1.30 or 2pm, depending on destination, from the car park at the Five Bells pub at Weston Turville where we will car share.

Information on forthcoming visits will be available at the monthly meetings or you can contact the group leader.    (churches@wtu3a.org.uk – 01494 868472)


The walkers meet once a month on the second Tuesday at 10.00am. Our current rendezvous point is the Chandos Public House in Weston Turville where transport arrangements for that days walk are arranged.

The walks last up to two hours and do encompass some hill climbing and stiles but we do not walk that fast as we prefer to enjoy the company and the countryside whilst we walk.

A lot of the walks end at a tea spot so we can indulge in suitable refreshment before returning home.

All U3A members are welcome to join us for a walk on an ad-hoc or regular basis and well-mannered dogs can be taken on most walks as well. It is important to remember we are not ‘ramblers’.

Please contact the group leader for further information or just turn up at the pub at 1000 am on the Tuesday.   (Walkers@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 631657)

Wine Appreciation

This is a new group for Wine Lovers where we hope to explore many different wines in different ways. We will be doing tastings, talks and trips.

We will be tasting various wines in a certain grape, tasting different Countries’ wines within a grape or area, looking at vineyards and how they produce their wines and going on trips to vineyards and Vinopolis in London.

We are going to meet on the 3rd Friday between 7.00 & 9.00pm at The Chapel Hall, Weston Turville. We look forward to sharing with you and instructive but enjoyable evening!

Contact group leaders for more information.    (Wine@wtu3a.org.uk – 01296 614186)

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