Weston Turville Reservoir

Come and see the iridescent dragonflies and damselflies feeding and mating in the summer sunshine around the ponds and channels in front of the bird hide.

There’s always wildlife to see whatever the season. The marshy fen, extensive reedbeds and small woodland surrounding Weston Turville Reservoir create a winter wildfowl wonderland with teal, shoveler and tufted duck and even the occasional bittern.

Wetland plants

As well as the reeds, plants include the hundreds of spring-flowering early marsh-orchid, followed in summer by lesser reedmace, purple-loosestrife, gipsywort, water mint and yellow iris.

Seasonal visitors

There are good breeding colonies of reed warblers, which sling their mug-shaped nests around the reed stems. The reserve is also the only regular Buckinghamshire breeding site of the water rail, whose distinctive ‘piglet squealing’ can be heard regularly all the year round. Starlings and swallows roost here in some numbers in autumn.

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