11Z MAD Week – John Colet School tutor group helps the homeless
MAD week for 11Z was quite early on in the term and during the week commencing 8 October.
It crept up on the tutor group quickly and before they knew it, there was not much time to organise an event. However, we had talked in registration time about the plight of the homeless and we had talked about the night buses in London that the homeless use in the winter as shelter from the cold and this led to our decision.
I asked each member of the tutor group to donate an item of clothing for the homeless – I didn’t mind what they donated provided it was in reasonable condition. We struggled in the first week with the donations but one more appeal from me and they all donated something. The clothing ranged from jumpers, t-shirts and jeans – all really useful items.
We now had to find a homeless shelter and one that I found was DENS. This is based in Hemel Hempstead and stands for Dacorum Emergency Night Shelter that helps to rebuild lives. I took two bags of clothes there and the person in charge was absolutely delighted with the contents. She was also very touched by teenagers thinking of the homeless and their suffering.
I would just like to say to 11Z that I am really proud of their commitment to MAD week and we may not have raised money but we certainly donated to a worthwhile cause and hopefully ‘made a difference’.
Jayne Gott
11Z Tutor