175 More Houses in Wendover?

Well, the objections, some 350, to the World’s End/Halton Lane area Outline Planning Application 16/01017/AOP are in. We now await AVDC’s decision on 17th June. The initial objection stage was, I believe, initiated by residents of the most directly affected, western area, of the community, but, quite rightly, the main emphasis of the objections was the lack of infrastructure to cope with the current population let alone another 175 houses on the extreme outskirts of the village.

AVDC’s decision will not be the end of the matter. In the event of refusal, no doubt CEG will appeal using its expertise and money. Should the application be approved there must be channels for the community to appeal. This anticipated next phase needs to have leadership with knowledge, expertise and time. But by whom? The Parish Councils? Local District Councillors? The Wendover Society? A local resident, or residents, with the necessary expertise, experience, time and energy?

Wendover and Weston Turville need to prepare for either eventuality with urgency as, by the time this is published, decision day will be about three weeks away.

Jim Wilding, Wendover