A statement from Rob Butler on the King’s Speech

Rob Butler welcomes King’s Speech with promise of new laws to benefit Bucks residents.

(7th November 2023)

Rob Butler, MP for Aylesbury, has praised today’s King’s Speech, which set out the Government’s priorities for the coming parliamentary session.

Proposals for new laws were announced ranging from tougher jail terms for serious offenders to safeguarding local football clubs for fans.

Rob said:

“It was a tremendous privilege to be in the House of Lords to hear the first King’s Speech for more than 70 years. This is an important and highly symbolic moment in our national calendar, with much pomp and ceremony. Alongside the centuries-old traditions, though, the Speech sets out proposals for new laws for the months ahead, and these demonstrate an emphasis on long-term decisions that will lead to a brighter future for people living in the Aylesbury constituency.

“The number one priority is rightly to grow and strengthen our economy, driving down inflation to help cope with the cost of living. New Bills to protect our energy security, agree trade deals and modernise regulations for tech firms will all play their part in creating jobs and increasing incomes.

“As a former magistrate, I’m particularly pleased that the Government has put such a strong focus on law and order. There will be longer jail terms for the worst offenders and a greater emphasis on supporting victims of crime.

“And in an area with so many new houses being built, I’m pleased to see proposals that will help both the buyers of new homes and renters.

“All in all, His Majesty has announced a range of new laws that will undoubtedly benefit residents and businesses across Bucks.”