Ahead of the game on bank closures

Editor note – This letter was originally published in the Bucks Free Press, a weekly paper sold throughout Buckinghamshire and parts of Oxfordshire. Page 32. Friday 10 Feb. 2023

Author note – It pulls no punches about the big bank closures in the UK; where an average more than 60% of branches of the five big banks have been closed in British towns and High Streets since 2015 and the closures increase in 2023 at a pace. They have now reached the stage where some people have to travel miles in a bus in all weathers to find a branch of their bank still open miles from where they live.


“NATWEST callous bank closures, plus HSBC, Lloyd’s, Barclays and Santander.

Ruthless & arrogant NatWest CEO Dame Alison Rose now decides she is not too important or too busy to attend tomorrow’s Parliamentary committee grilling along with other big bank CEOs.”…Daily Mail article by Ruth Sutherland. Page 56 City & Finance Editor plus a second article on the same page ‘Loan sharks fear’ as lenders ( banks ) flee the High Streets, by Patrick Toother ..’ watch ‘Bank of Dave’…” boss warns of vulnerable at risk’.

Pure coincidence ? ( again) or do I get the distinct the Daily Mail and The Daily Express have been following my social media campaign for the last 5 months or more, about the callous big bank closures and the perfect timing of the Netflix Bank of Dave release.

Whether I sowed the seeds on the national newspaper stories or not, at least I know I was at least two weeks ahead on these important personal finance stories; the big bank closures on the High Street, with the banking executives not giving a damn it seems about the elderly, the vulnerable and many other groups who choose and prefer personal face to face banking. Also coincidentally and more recently the link to the timely excellent film the ‘ Bank of Dave’ film release where a Burnley business man takes on the banks.

Nice to know I was on the money on this one!

Simon Icke
Campaigner for fairness and justice for the elderly and the vulnerable and many others.
Aston Clinton Resident.

PS watch out for the banking yearly results due in the next few weeks, together with the uncapped bonuses the banking executives will award themselves for a job well done!