Art of Islam Exhibition last few weeks
The Art of Islam exhibition at the County Museum closes in two weeks time after a brilliant summer season. Almost 9000 visitors have seen the exhibition with half the visitors being under 20 and over 16% having Muslim heritage.
The Museum Director Richard de Peyer has commented –
“The visitor profile for exhibitions is getting younger and compared with our ethnic breakdown over the past two years it is also much more diverse now with as many as 1/6 of our visitors to this exhibition coming from a Muslim background. We will be following up with more work to engage members of the Muslim community who are now more than 7% of the Bucks Population as well as developing great new programmes for wider communities”
The exhibition has attracted major loans from a private collector Mr Razwan Baig, the British Museum and Horniman Museum in London and from the Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery and is the largest display of Islamic art and heritage that Bucks has ever seen.
The Exhibition has been complemented with a programme of over 100 events across Chesham, High Wycombe, Milton Keynes and Aylesbury giving a chance for all to become better acquainted with the positive achievements of Islam throughout the centuries.
Said Mr de Peyer:
“It’s more important than ever to put the crisis in the Middle East in the context of 1300 years of Islamic civilisation and the contribution it has made to world culture.”