Aston Wine Club celebrates its 20th anniversary

What a night! In a word fantastic! We had a bumper crowd at Buckland Village Hall, all intent on celebrating our 20th anniversary in style. And we were privileged to have the company of six of the founder members of the Club – all of whom, I am glad to say, still enjoy their share of wine.

Neil Phillips aka The Wine Tipster and honorary member of our Club presented eight delightful wines, starting with a couple of Proseccos, followed by four new world wines, two Chilean and two South African, and finishing with the flourish of two excellent Cru Bourgeois, Medocs. Neil not only joins in with the fun of our tastings, he certainly adds a great deal of banter and teasing much enjoyed by our Members.

Debbie Tolputt of Taste prepared a sumptuous supper for us of either salmon en croute or Greek lamb, followed by either raspberry roulade or cheese all served efficiently by Debbie and her helpers.

I think we all enjoyed the evening so much that we’ll have to celebrate our 30th anniversary.