Aylesbury Choral Society – A Summer Concert

Saturday 17 June 

After its stunning performance before Easter of Haydn’s oratorio Creation, Aylesbury Choral Society is now rehearsing a medley of pieces, sacred and secular, for its next event. That will be held on Saturday 17th June at 7.30pm at St Mary’s, Aylesbury, HP20 2JJ.

Music for the first half will range from 17th century Orlando Gibbons to present-day Piers Maxim, currently Organist and Master of Choristers at Great Malvern Priory in Worcestershire. The latter work and another, by Joanna Forbes L’Estrange, have been specifically commissioned for the coronation of King Charles III. Also included is the popular Cantique de Jean Racine by Gabriel Fauré. The second half covers a wide variety of music, from Cole Porter to The Teddy Bears’ Picnic and Over the Rainbow, and promises to be great fun.

Tickets at £16 (under 18s £6) are available from members or via the website aylesburychoral.org.uk, or acschairman@gmail.com

Come and join us for a very enjoyable evening’s entertainment. The Society welcomes new members, so if you would like to sing with us, come along to the Church on Fairford Leys on Tuesdays at 7.30pm and make yourself known.