Aylesbury Dolls House Club – January 2023
Thinking of a new hobby for the New Year? Aylesbury Dolls House Club will be starting the New Year off with an opportunity for members to bring along unfinished projects and perhaps complete them. If anyone is thinking of finding or exploring a new interest and would like to know more, please come along – we always keep a box of miscellaneous projects for new members and visitors to choose from at such times. You are very welcome to come to your first meeting as a guest, and if you decide you would like to join, membership fees are at a reduced rate for the remaining months of the year until our AGM in May.
We meet at Halton Village Hall at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month, so our next meeting is on 4 January. We are a very friendly group and welcome new members. For further information, contact Diane on 07899090399 or arcadia96@btinternet.com.