Aylesbury MP calls for local people to give feedback on HS2 land and property scheme
Aylesbury’s MP, Rob Butler, has asked local people for their views on HS2’s property and land programme, including compensation and treatment of local residents.
Along with other MPs on the route of Phase 1 of the railway, Rob has been asked by the HS2 minister, Andrew Stephenson MP, to provide feedback so that the minister can review HS2 Ltd’s current processes, and potentially implement changes for the future.
Rob said:
“I have had many complaints from constituents about the way they have been treated by HS2 Ltd – compensation being paid late, failure to comply with written agreements and assurances, accessing land before payment has been issued and undertaking work with little warning for property owners.
“When the prime minister announced the approval of HS2 in February, he said there must be a step change in HS2’s performance and improvements in transparency and accountability. This includes a renewed focus on placing people – the communities and individuals who will be impacted by the new railway – at the heart of everything.
“So I am pleased that the HS2 minister is following through on this, with his request for feedback on what HS2 Ltd has done so far, as well as new ideas, however ambitious and innovative they may be, which could help improve the experience of property owners, businesses and other residents affected by HS2.
“This is the moment for local people to speak up about what’s gone wrong, and how it could be improved in future. Time is tight, as I have less than ten days to collect the information, analyse it and then pass it to the minister. So please send your comments by Tuesday 9 June, to rob.butler.mp@parliament.uk with the subject heading “HS2 land and property review”.
“Please bear in mind that this review is specifically about land and property acquisition, not about HS2 overall, or other issues related to the line. As always, I continue to challenge ministers on those at every opportunity, and I will continue to do so.”