BBOWT in Autumn – October 2022

Autumn colours will be short lived so make the most of it at a BBOWT reserve.

The lack of moisture this summer means the leaves are turning and falling early. Reserves like Dancersend, Finemere and Rushbeds Wood are nearby, open to all and easily located on the BBOWT website or in your handbook if you are a member. This is also a good time for joining a conservation work party. Email to be guided to your nearest one.

Ready for a live, indoor talk? come to Gt Missenden Memorial Centre on Tuesday October 18 at 7.45pm (doors open for coffee and conversation at 7pm). Subject ‘Moths’, speaker Martin Harvey, admission £5 inc. refreshments and a raffle ticket. More events including Learning sessions for adults and youngsters at College Lake are listed at For the Chilterns Group September newsletter please email
Richard Birch, BBOWT Chilterns Group