Buckinghamshire County Council awarded for Member Development

Professional development is really important in any job – and for politicians it’s absolutely vital so that they can do the best possible job for the residents they represent.

Buckinghamshire County Council recognises this and has now been awarded a special Charter Mark for how it equips its councillors with the tools and skills necessary to do the job in an ever-changing world.

Buckinghamshire County Council’s Member Development programme is comprehensive. After the elections Councillors had a thorough week-long induction covering everything from the basics of the role to technology and IT. And the development doesn’t stop there – the Council puts on regular training and briefing sessions for its elected Members on subjects they need to keep abreast of, for example upcoming changes to personal data regulations.

The Member Development Charter Mark was awarded at a Buckinghamshire County Council Full Council meeting last week by South East Employers, the regional employers’ organisation for local government in the South East. They carry out the assessments on how well councils support, train and develop their elected Members.

Mark Shaw, Buckinghamshire County Council’s Deputy Leader said:

“It’s a great privilege and responsibility to serve and represent the people who elect us so we all place great importance on making sure we are equipped with the tools and skills we need to do the very best job possible for our residents.”

Cllr Steve Lambert, Chair of Buckinghamshire County Council’s Member Development Working Group said:

“It can be challenging to keep on top of ever-changing policy and practices.

“That’s why we place such value on Member Development here at Buckinghamshire County Council and I’m especially delighted that the enthusiasm and the good cross-party working of our Councillors was recognised in particular by the assessors.”

Rory Love, Chairman of South East Employers, said:

“Councils are discovering new ways of working. They are working differently, requiring new skills as they engage and empower their local communities. It has therefore never been more important that elected Members have the tools, the skills, and the support to engage, to empower, to represent, and to set the direction of travel for their local authority.

“The Charter Assessment team was extremely impressed with the profile and importance attached to Member development across Buckinghamshire County Council and with the degree to which it is embedded within the culture of the Authority.”