Bikes Think Lights Revisited
I understand and sympathise strongly with the concern expressed by L Jeffery (in February newsletter) over cyclists having no lights or reflective clothing.
We should like to take this opportunity of appealing to all cyclists to wear reflective clothing and to use good lights both at the front and rear. Such equipment of good quality is readily available.
We would agree that, in general, where cycle paths are available they are the safest option.
However, Mr Jefferey is referring specifically to the cycle path from Wendover to Aylesbury (Amber Way). The reduction in street lighting along that stretch of road has made the cycle path hazardous for cyclists at night since they have to contend with the dazzle from car headlamps if they are coming from Aylesbury. We have tried to persuade Bucks County Council to provide low level lighting but so far we have not had any success. We have also expressed strongly to BCC our concern over the condition of the cycle path which has not been maintained for many years.