Buckinghamshire Council launches climate change and air quality surveys

As part of their plans to achieve net carbon zero in Buckinghamshire by 2050, Buckinghamshire Council is creating a Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy for the county. To help shape this strategy, the council has launched two climate change and air quality surveys. One is open to organisations, the other is for residents.

The surveys are designed to help the council understand local views and experiences about addressing climate change and poor air quality. The information provided will help them develop their draft strategy, which people and organisations will be able to comment on in a consultation later this year.

The online surveys take just a few minutes to complete.

Residents’ survey: https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/environment/ccaq-public-survey-2020
Organisations’ survey: https://yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/environment/ccaq-org-survey

The deadline for responses is Friday 9 October.

Bill Chapple OBE, Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, said:

“We’re committed to tackling climate change issues and improving air quality in Buckinghamshire. In July, we passed a motion stating that we’ll produce proposals to work alongside the government with the objective to achieve net carbon zero for Buckinghamshire as a whole by 2050.

“Our next step is to create a Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy for Buckinghamshire, which these new surveys are designed to help shape. In the surveys, we’d love to get your views and experiences about addressing climate change and poor air quality in the county. The information you provide will help develop our draft strategy.”

Information about Buckinghamshire Council’s current approach to sustainability and climate change can be found at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/environment/sustainability-and-climate-change