Buckmoorend Farm Shop

With your support Buckmoorend Farm Shop on the Ridgeway at Butlers Cross is going from strength to strength. Specialists in delicious home reared meats straight from the farm, their product range continues to expand still further and they have now added free range chicken to complement their own home reared pork, beef and lamb.

“Word continues to spread” says owner Daniel “which is really encouraging. We’re really grateful to everybody who supports our ethos.” “We even had a couple race down from Harefield in London one Saturday to get to us by 4pm because they were so impressed with what they had bought the week before!”

The sunny weather at the end of August was a real boost to harvesting too – which carried on at the farm until 11.30 at night – and to sales of meat and tasty sauces from the shop for barbecues.

Buckmoorend Farm Shop is open Wednesday to Friday 3.30pm to 6.30pm and 10am to 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

You can follow them on twitter @BuckmoorendFarm, Facebook and Instagram, website www.buckmoorendfarm.co.uk or call 01296 620493.