Buckinghamshire Under 16 Boys Rugby Union Team train at RAF Halton
The Buckinghamshire Under 16 Boys Rugby Union team held an engagement and training day at RAF Halton recently. Run by Buckinghamshire County Coaches and the Royal Air Force Rugby Union, the activities were a career briefing, on behalf of the RAF, rugby training and high ropes course. The participants were fit and motivated with an understanding of team ethos and the application of effort towards a common goal.
The event was held to show potential recruits the life and work of the Royal Air Force through the activities of the RAF Instructors, providing practical experience of, and contact with, Service personnel.
Home For Sport at RAF Halton facilitated the visit with Mal Goodes taking the youngsters through their paces on the high ropes and even the nervous ones achieved much beyond what they thought could be accomplished.
Honorary Secretary of the RAFRU and Rugby Development Officer, Group Captain Al Lewis, said: “This was a fantastic experience for the Bucks U16 lads who, in-line with the mission of the day, were challenged in aspects beyond pure rugby and used these collective experiences to bond as a unit. There were 3-4 boys who were openly ‘uncomfortable’ with the high ropes, yet they valiantly pushed themselves beyond their perceived limits. The players also undertook a strength and conditioning circuit used by the RAF first team, so got to understand first-hand what the expectations are for elite level players, something most aspire to. The exposure to the excellent facilities and motivational staff will last long in their memories; a great fun day. Huge thanks to the staff at RAF Halton.”
Captain of the Buckinghamshire County U16 team, Robbie Cartwright, said: “Whilst the day at RAF Halton has been challenging, requiring everyone to push themselves, it has been good fun and brought everyone in the team closer together. It has given us all a taste of what a professional training session and facility is like. It has been a great day and I think everyone has got a lot out of it.”
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