Business collaborations ease the road to Net Zero
To celebrate the recent Clean Air Day (16th June), Buckinghamshire Business First teamed up with Buckinghamshire Council, Global Action Plan and the University of Buckingham for a day of information and inspiration on all things Net Zero and clean air!
Held at The Vinson Building, University of Buckingham, the Clean Air Day event brought to life the support available for businesses wanting to reduce their carbon footprint, improve air quality, learn more about sustainability, and access funding, ideas and inspiration.
Businesses also had the chance to join the Buckinghamshire Business First #NetZero Collaboration Circle – an initiative bringing businesses together to tackle the trials and tribulations along the way to creating a Net Zero Bucks economy.
Philippa Batting, Managing Director of Buckinghamshire Business First, said: “It was great to see such a swell of enthusiasm and hear from the Net Zero heroes representing local small and medium-sized businesses who came together to address the challenges and opportunities in creating a Net Zero Buckinghamshire economy. It was clear that whilst there is no silver bullet or easy answer to some of the day-to-day practicalities of going green, there is a wealth of support, including from our own Low Carbon Business Advisers.”
Clean Air Day is an initiative created by Global Action Plan, who are partnering with Buckinghamshire Business First to deliver the Buckinghamshire EV Project on behalf of Buckinghamshire Council. This government-funded project aims to work with employers in the county to assist with removing barriers to purchasing electric vehicles and improving air quality.
The day kicked off with a ‘Focus on Marketing Your Green Credentials’ workshop with a panel representing three very different businesses – The Oven Cleaning Group Ltd, Moogies Ltd, and Ecobrand – who shared their personal journeys, motivations and practical ideas along their road to Net Zero and discussed the benefits and pitfalls of marketing the green credentials of a business.
The programme of events also included a Networking Lunch, where attendees joined representatives from Buckinghamshire Council, Buckinghamshire Business First and Global Action Plan for an update on the support available for businesses adopting electric vehicles and creating low-carbon workspaces.
One-to-one advice was also available from Low Carbon Advisers and Global Action Plan to help businesses reduce their energy and associated costs and measure their carbon footprint.
Businesses in Buckinghamshire who want to do more to reduce their energy usage, lower costs and become Net Zero leaders can access grants, free carbon benchmarking and advice and support from the Buckinghamshire Business First website at
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