Chairman gets hands on supporting local charities

County Council Chairman Brian Roberts rolled up his sleeves and got stuck in helping to promote the good work carried out by charities Child Bereavement UK and Parkinson’s UK at Aylesbury’s Waterside Festival last weekend.

Child Bereavement UK and Parkinsons UK were two of a number of charitable organisations at the event, taking the opportunity to spread awareness and gain support for their work. Child Bereavement UK works with children, their families and professionals offering support and training in dealing with bereavement and Parkinson’s UK provides support and advice to all those affected by the disease.

The local branches of both charities have been chosen by the County Council Chairman as two of his good causes to support and help raise funds for during his year in office. On Saturday Brian and his wife Margaret, joined staff and volunteers from both organisations, meeting and greeting festival goers, raising awareness and funds for continuing their work.

The Child Bereavement UK team were joined by their new mascot, a giant teddy that Brian personally helped ‘rescue’ from the back of a charity shop. Brought back to life with a quick wash and spruce, the bear will accompany the team at future events and help to promote the work of the charity.

Speaking after the event Brian said: “It’s been a wonderful day, we’ve met some lovely people, spread the word about Child Bereavement UK and Parkinson’s UK and raised vital funds to help continue their good work.

“I was delighted to offer my support to both teams for a couple of hours today. Child Bereavement UK do an amazing job working with families and children locally and also training professionals to better meet the needs of grieving families and Parkinson’s UK offer vital support and assistance to hundreds of families locally.

“Our new furry mascot was also popular with all visitors to the Child Bereavement UK stand and will be making more guest appearances in the future. He doesn’t have a name yet and that’s something that we might need some help with so watch this space!”

To find out more about the work carried out by Child Bereavement UK visit their website:

To find out more about Parkinson’s UK visit: