Chiltern Way Academy – update, April 2020

At Chiltern Way Academy things have certainly been busy this last month. As a special school we are at the forefront of helping some of the most vulnerable students in the area during the current pandemic. We continue to remain open for students who need us such as the children of key workers. Although we are reduced in numbers we are maintaining our usual high standards. We have been completing maths, science, English, art, mechanics and construction lessons as normal. In addition staff have carried out daily temperature checks, regular hand washing checks and a chance for our students to ask questions that may be worrying them during the present situation.

We are also practising as much social distancing as we can within the school such as only using certain sections of the school and keeping classes small and spaced out.

From this week we will also be constructing some PPE equipment using our own 3D printer and Design Technology equipment. The students get to learn some skills and vulnerable workers may be able to benefit from the face masks and other PPE equipment we will produce.

We will continue to be open over the Easter period for those that need us and to make sure our most needy students and families receive all the help they can get.

We wish all local residents well during this difficult time.


Paul Coffey

Head of Campus

Chiltern Way Academy Wendover campus