Come and Foster with Bucks
Did you know that there are currently more than 500 children in care in Buckinghamshire? Between July and September of this year we found foster homes for 55 children with an average age of just over eight and a half.
Our fostering team works hard all year round to find safe and loving foster homes for these children. We have an amazing group of people who already help us look after some of these children but we need more people like them to come forward and become foster carers.
Could you foster or do you know someone who could?
Anyone who may be thinking about becoming a foster carer will undoubtedly have lots of questions. One of the best ways to get those questions answered is to come along to one of our next Fostering Information Evenings. The next event takes place on:
- Wednesday 21 November, Mezz rooms, New County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1UA, starting at 6.30pm
These informal events give you the chance to find out all there is to know about fostering with us, how the recruitment process works and all about the training, support and allowances. You can ask questions direct to our recruitment team and hear from some of our current foster carers about their experiences.
Warren Whyte, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services said: “With the number of children coming into our care on the rise, it’s vital that we have more foster carers to look after them.
“Anyone can foster, you don’t need to have had children, be married or own your own home. All we ask is that you have a spare room and the time and energy needed to support a young person.
“In return we will give you outstanding training, ongoing support and a competitive allowance. Even if fostering is not something you can do, please think about your family and friends, do you know someone who could foster and just needs a nudge? Why not speak to them and ask them to get in touch with us.”
For more information on Fostering with Bucks or to book onto the next information event visit our website: