Coronation Weekend, 6, 7, 8 May

Most of us cannot remember a Coronation but we enjoyed recent Royal Jubilees so why not continue to delight in this opportunity for us to pause and relish some time with neighbours and friends?

Coronation, 11am Saturday 6 May
The Coronation itself will take place at 11am in Westminster Abbey. Some will line the streets to watch the processions but most will see it on television. Once the ceremonial is over, many groups of neighbours will gather informally to celebrate, possibly in local street parties.

Church Services, Sunday 7 May
St Anne’s and Wendover Free Church will have their usual Sunday morning Services. St Mary’s will have a Parish Communion Service at 10am followed by a glass of fizz.

The Big Lunch, 1 – 4pm Sunday 7 May
Wendover Cricket Club is pleased to be able support Wendover Parish Council’s Coronation Big Lunch at Witchell Meadow, HP22 6EG on Sunday 7th May. Bring your own picnic and rug or chairs and settle down for an informal gathering with some entertainment on hand.

The Big Help Out, Monday 8 May
We have been granted an extra Bank Holiday on the Monday of Coronation Weekend. The King has suggested that we each look for an opportunity to help out in our community as best we can.

Rotary in Wendover is planting at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, home of the Paralympics, for Wheelpower from 10am. Alternatively, you could join St Mary’s in their Churchyard Tidy Up from 10am – 12.30pm.