Council Chairman is ‘Top Banana’ when it comes to staying healthy

Multi-tasking reached new levels at Access All Areas 2019. Visitors to the health and wellbeing event held at Stoke Mandeville Stadium used pedal power to make fresh-fruit smoothies. First in the queue was County Council Chairman, Brian Roberts, who was rated as ‘Top Banana’ after hopping on a bike to compete in the simulated racing game.
Brian said: “Things like the smoothie bike are great fun and get across important health messages in a simple way. Staying fit and healthy is important to everyone. But, people with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This can change if they know about and can access the right support, at the right time. A good place to start is with an Annual Health Check.”
Annual Health Checks are different from the NHS Health Checks which are for people aged 40 – 74 years and happen every five years. Annual Health Checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability. An annual health check helps you stay well by talking about your health and finding any problems early, so you get the right care.
You do not have to feel ill to have a health check, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well. Ask your doctor about getting an annual health check.
Brian continues: “My simple message is – if you know or care for someone with a learning disability please, please encourage them to have their Annual Health Check. ”
More information about annual health checks can be found here
Access All Areas is all about bringing together, in one place, the wide range of support and services available to help people with a learning disability and autism stay as fit and healthy as possible. Over 250 people visited the free all day event to get advice and information on everything from sepsis, sexual health and staying safe to cancer screening, carer support and cooking skills.
During the event visitors got to try out healthy food and meals, accessible sport, drama and yoga – as well as getting active while making their own smoothie.
The event, now in its second year, is specially designed to be accessible for those with learning disabilities and autism, and features a “chill out space” [provided by the Buckinghamshire Disability Service] as well as over 50 stalls designed to be relevant and easy to understand.