County Council plans health partnership to modernise residential short breaks

Consultation is about to start on the modernisation of Buckinghamshire’s residential short breaks (respite) service for adults. Cabinet members agreed [Monday 7 January 2019] to a six week consultation starting 16 January 2019.

Currently the service is located at Seeley’s House in Beaconsfield and offers overnight breaksfor up to eight vulnerable adultsat any onetime. The plan, if agreed, is tomove to a more suitablelocation in Aylesbury and commission a newservice in partnership with health.The Council hasreached a joint funding agreement with the Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group.This means that, regardless of who is funding their care, those who need it can access the service.

Lin Hazell, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said: “The reasons for wanting to move are very clear, the current building has a very limited shelf life, is not suitable for renovation and is far too expensive to maintain. On the other hand the building in Aylesbury is currently under-used and offers an affordable opportunity to improve the service.

“We are viewing this as a service improvement. It’s about moving our residential short breaks service to a more suitable and accessible building. The new service will provide safe, quality care for those with the most complex needs – in a purpose built environment.”

Provision of the new service would mean temporarily closing Aylesbury Opportunities Centre for 12 months while a partial rebuild takes place.Currentservice users will be supported to find alternative day activities and transition to the new service when it opens in August 2020.A residential short breaks service will continue at Seeleys House Beaconsfield until transition to the new service is complete.

Parents, carers and services users (both current and future) are being asked to give their viewsabout the proposed plans for adult residential short breaksat a series of events as follows:

23 January 2019 7pm – 9pm Seeleys House
24 January 2019 1pm – 3pm Seeleys House
28 January 2019 10am – 12pm Aylesbury Opportunities Centre
4 February 2019 6pm – 8pm Aylesbury Opportunities Centre

Lin continues:”This is an opportunity for people tohear about our plans ingreater detail, tell us what they think, and check we haveconsidered their specificconcerns. If you are unable to get to an event you can still give your views byemailing us at or callingus on 01296 383 122 and leaving a message.”

For more information and how to have your say go

Details of the cabinet decision to consult can be found here: