COVID19 – a topsy-turvey season

A letter of appreciation
When we were told by the government that the vulnerable should stay at home and that volunteers were needed to support the national effort, we knew something extraordinary was about to unfold. It came as a bit of a shock however, when our middle-aged children told us we were the vulnerable and that we couldn’t volunteer! Suddenly, we found ourselves on the other side of the coin. No longer were we going to be caring for & serving our community, as we had done all of our lives, but we were about to be on the receiving end of something rather extraordinary. We have been lovingly carried through this lockdown and had our every need met by the wonderful ‘Wendover Wardens’ and the amazing ‘Walnut WhatsApp-ers’. We are so grateful to the neighbour who bought our newspaper every day for 3 months, to the wardens who collected prescriptions and our Budgens essentials and to all those who added food items to their home deliveries when we couldn’t get a delivery slots. To the local council, churches together, The Health Centre team, neighbours, new friends and everyone who gave their time to help us through this topsy turvey time…..thank you! We knew Wendover was a special place to live, but we had no idea that it was filled with so many wonderful people who would be prepared to give their time to look after people they had never met.
Jacky & John B

This article first appeared in the July print edition of Wendover News. The entire edition can be seen here.

Over the next few days, more short articles will appear describing how Wendover coped with Lockdown. Click here.