Creative Art Classes

“Anyone can be taught how to draw and paint but being creative is a totally different way of seeing and perceiving the world we live in.”

Dr Lorna Moore’s Creative Art Classes are a blend of excitement and inspiration with an holistic teaching style that appeals to all levels of ability and experience. As an international video artist, she encourages an awareness of visualising individual artistic experiences while constantly motivating her students to focus on their own personal learning curves.

Lorna’s 14 week courses take place in Whipsnade Village Hall on Wednesday and Friday mornings (9.30am – 12.30pm) and bookings are now being taken for next term which begins on May 1. Term fees include en plein sketching sessions at local venues, all art materials and tutorials with other artists. Plus catch up sessions are available to anyone unable to attend their usual class.

Phone: 07896 619660

Facebook: Dr-Lorna-Moores-Creative-Art-Course

Twitter: @MooreCreativeA2

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