Double lollipop patrol to keep the children safe

Two lollipop patrollers have been assigned to a busy school crossing at Bedgrove, Aylesbury, amid concerns for children’s safety.

The problem, says Buckinghamshire County Council, is that too many motorists are ignoring the crossing patroller and driving through, putting children’s – and the patroller’s – lives at risk.

The County Council’s decision followsreports about motorists driving through on one side of the road’s narrow central refuge, while the patroller sees children across the other side. Patrollers say this happens two or three times a day.

Supervisor Georgina Longley says: ‘The law says motorists must stop as soon as the patroller puts up the “STOP” sign. A car dodging through could easily hit a child already crossing, which is why we’ve taken the unusual decision to put two patrollers on duty – one for each side of the central refuge.’

From today (Monday, September 19) patroller Tony Gill, who normally covers the afternoon, joins morning patroller David Fountain to provide protection on each side of the road for more than 130 children going to and from Bedgrove schools – a ‘first’ for Buckinghamshire.

Long term, the County Councilwill beexploring what road safety improvements could be made at the crossing site.

Mark Shaw, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: ‘Safety and security for our children on the roads is of paramount importance. I’m incredibly saddened that a small minority of motorists, who adopt such a cavalier attitude to children’s safety, have forced us to take such drastic action. But I consider it essential to keep our children, their parents and carers, and our patrollers safe.’