EKFB and HS2 update, March 2023
We are approaching the start of our earthworks season for 2023. During March to November our earthworks team make the most of the predominantly drier and warmer weather to complete a number of activities including topsoil stripping, excavating and transportation of material.
As we approach springtime and longer daylight hours, we will also be introducing longer working hours on some of our sites in order to maximise the use of daylight hours and milder weather.
Earthworks are due to commence in March and will continue to late 2023. Once consent has been granted, we will have extended hours of working between 7am to 7pm Monday to Friday and 7am to 5pm on Saturdays. These works will have noise and vibration monitoring in place but are not expected to exceed any environmental allowances throughout the duration.
We will also be hosting an Open Doors event in your area where students aged between 14 and 19 have been invited to come to see our Wendover Dean Viaduct site on 13, 14 and 16 March. The students will see how our construction team operate and how the viaduct will look against the landscape when completed, a great opportunity for any young people interested in construction. If you would like more information, then please see www.opendoors.construction to sign up!
To stay informed of our works don’t forget to register for email updates on the HS2 website which gives you a choice of how you would like to receive information from us. To find out more, visit your community website at www.hs2.org.uk/in-your-area/. If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.