Ellesborough golfers drive a wedge of cash!

Golfers have clubbed together to raise over £1,500 for WheelPower, the wheelchair sport charity based at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.

Members of Ellesborough Golf Club near Wendover have continued their great support for the charity. This year members were challenged to the ‘WheelPower Cup’ and the ‘Bridge Drive’ to raise the money to provide life transforming sport opportunities for disabled children and adults.

The club recently presented WheelPower Chief Executive Martin McElhatton with the cheque. Martin said: “Ellesborough is a Golf Club with wonderful spirit and WheelPower are incredibly grateful for their support.”

“Our sincere thanks go to everyone involved, the fundraising will make a huge difference in the local community”

“Sport increases quality of life for a disabled person, not only by building physical strength but more importantly building confidence which is so vital after trauma or injury.”