Essential work brought forward on Tring Road

Tring Road, Aylesbury

Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) has been planning essential works on the A41 Tring Road, Aylesbury for some time to resurface several sections and to underpin some of the slabs below the road’s surface.

Although TfB has already carried out both emergency and temporary repairs on the stretch between King Edward Avenue to just past Regent Road, it requires a permanent solution. Therefore the decision has been made to bring forward the work while traffic levels remain low.
While TfB has been continuing with essential maintenance work during lockdown, some planned schemes haven’t been able to progress so far due to the requirement of large teams on site and the Government’s guidance to maintain social distancing.
Recently, the Highways Sector Council launched a new initiative called ‘Project SafeStart’ to encourage the acceleration of major maintenance work and to deliver ‘shovel-ready’ essential roads projects. With traffic being at an all-time low – 50% less than usual at this time of year – some of the scheduled work for this year has been brought forward, ensuring less disruption to the public once lockdown is lifted.
TfB already has plans in place to ensure that all teams are following Government guidelines while working and additional provisions have been made to keep them, and the public, safe.
The Tring Road work, is considered ideal during this time, as it is a big scheme that would inevitably cause severe disruption in normal traffic conditions. The scheme will be done in two stages and TfB will accelerate resurfacing to the worst section of the road, with specialist work to underpin the slabs taking place at a later date.
Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Transport, Nick Naylor, said: “Transport for Buckinghamshire has been working hard to get as much work completed as possible during this time while following all Government guidelines.
“I am so pleased the decision has been made to bring forward the essential work on Tring Road, in line with ‘Project Safestart’, ensuring less disruption to commuters and residents compared with more normal traffic volumes.”
Nick added, “We can assure you that our teams are closely following Government guidelines while working and we have made significant changes to keep them safe.”
TfB has been working with contractors to plan ways in which the scheme can be delivered safely for the crews and the public, as every scheme needs to be individually considered and risk assessed. Phase 1 of the work on Tring Road does not yet have a confirmed start date, as this will be determined by the detailed outcome of the risk assessment, availability of contractors and the coordination of other works. Currently TfB is aiming for this work to be started in June.
Updates on the scheme will be posted on TfB social media pages, in TfB’s weekly Road Works press release, on road side signage and on the ‘’ website.