Everyone’s experience of mental health is different
We can all agree that this year has been different and at times very difficult, which is why it is so important to raise awareness of what mental health support is available and show you how you can get the help you need to feel better.
World Mental Health Day occurs every 10 October and the theme for 2020 is ‘Mental Health for All: Greater Investment – Greater Access. For everyone, everywhere.’
Buckinghamshire Council and our partners in the Suicide Prevention Group and from our Time to Change Hub are promoting good mental health for all to everyone.
The changes we have had to make due to the Coronavirus may have caused you to feel anxious, stressed about your finances, worried about your friends and family or angry. Some of us will have been able to work through our feelings but others may still be struggling with day to day living.
Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Communities and Public Health said: “The extra pressures that we are experiencing because of the Coronavirus have understandably caused some of us to find ourselves struggling with seeing a way through the current crisis. Some may just feel ‘out of sorts’ and put it down to the changes whilst others can find they are so worried that it affects them in their day to day activities.
“You do not have to be at your lowest to ask for help, it is better to talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling and not wait. There is so much support for someone experiencing a mental health problem. There will be something that works for you.
“If you have noticed a relative, friend or colleague isn’t their normal self, please just check in with them. Ask if they’re really OK and be prepared to #AskTwice if they just say ‘I’m fine’.
“If you need to speak to someone, the new Bucks 24/7 Mental Health Helpline is a great place to start. Trained advisers can talk with you to find out what you need help with and refer you to the best support to help you feel better. There are separate numbers so for adults call 0800 783 0119 and for children and young people call 0800 783 0121.
“There’s a lot of other support available so take a look at the details below and take the first steps to feeling more like you again.”
Where can I get help?
To talk about your feelings you can also contact a GP or one of the local support organisations including:
· NHS One You – Every Mind Matters
https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou then click on ‘Every Mind Matters’
· Samaritans – 116 123 (24 hours)
Shout (free 24/7 text service) Text Shout to 85258
· Healthy Minds Bucks
· CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) 0800 585858
(7 days a week 5pm-midnight)
· MIND 0300 123 3393
(Mon-Fri 9am-6pm)
· PAPYRUS (Prevention of Young Suicide) – 08000 684141
(Mon-Fri 10am-5pm + 7pm-10pm, weekends 2pm-5pm)
· Youth Concern – 01296 431183
· Kooth (online support for young people)
· Young Minds
· Childline (national agency)
· Time to Change (national agency)
· Time to Change Bucks (local agency)
· Buckinghamshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
01865 901951
· Buckinghamshire Adult Mental Health Services
01865 901600
If you have concerns that you or someone you know is about to act on suicidal thoughts call 111 or 999, or go to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department. In Buckinghamshire this is at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.
There is further information and advice, including support for people bereaved by suicide, on the Buckinghamshire Mind website at http://www.bucksmind.org.uk/crisis-support/