Fighting Plastic at Parish Annual Meeting
Barbara McGillivray was the first speaker and star turn at the Annual Parish Meeting of Wendover Parish Council on Wednesday 10 April. She has been campaigning for over a year now, trying to find out the best way to reduce her personal usage of plastic and otherwise to use recyclable plastic where possible. She is also a great advocate for reusing plastic.
Examples of businesses committed to reducing plastic and reducing their carbon footprint include Scruples and The Village Gate. St Anne’s Hall is doing its bit and many individuals are pioneering their own way of dealing with these global problems.
Barbara had collected a pile of typical packaging and the audience decided which piece should go where. There were some experts present who contributed valuable insights. Their knowledge was essential as the world of recycling varies locally and over time. Various individuals and businesses featured in Barbara’s presentation even though they weren’t able to be present themselves. There seems to be a groundswell building within the Wendover Community to reduce reuse and recycle.
In addition, please emailif you have an idea you’d like to share with the local community on these pages.
Barbar has organised a talk by Andrew Jenkins who leads on Waste Promotions at Buckinghamshire County Council at 7.30pm on Wednesday 29 May in St Anne’s Hall.