First Reservist Graduates with Regulars

Aircraftman Tim Morris, aged 42, from Stourbridge in Worcestershire, has become the first RAF Reservist to graduate with his Regular colleagues at RAF Halton. He graduated with 537 Douglas Intake on 2 December and will join 7644 Public Relations Squadron as a Media Operations Journalist based at RAF Halton.

In his civilian life Tim is a free-lance journalist, TV presenter and producer. During his career he has travelled extensively, reported breaking news and interviewed many celebrities, but he has always wanted to join the RAF. He said “when I was 15 there were two things that I wanted to do more than anything else in the world. The first was to join the Royal Air Force as a pilot, the second was to work in broadcast. Not long into studying for my A Levels I was offered a period of work experience with a major television production company and at the end of the placement they offered me a job. Of course I took it and I’ve worked in TV ever since, but there’s always been a massive part of me that regretted not joining the RAF. Consequently, when I heard about the work of the RAF’s Media Reserves earlier this year I had to apply”.

Tim and his family are no strangers to military life. His grandfather, Raymond, was a Canadian Lancaster pilot serving with the RAF during WW2. His uncle, Harry Siddall, was one of the brave ground crew who patched bombers back together with scrap food tins and rivets to keep them flying in freezing conditions and his partner’s grandfather, Frank Lamb, was an aircraft engineer stationed in Germany during the 1950’s.

Tim lives with his partner Cheryl and their two children, Joseph James (JJ) 13 and Tilly aged 7. He went to Hagley High School and later attained an MA in Media Production from the University of Central England, graduating with Distinction. In his spare time he enjoys motorsport, flying and spending time with his children.

Tim commented on his time in basic training, saying: “I thoroughly enjoyed my training here at RAF Halton. I have learned so much and met so many people. The highlight of my time here has been the Initial Force Protection Training. Live firing on the range with the SA80 rifle really got the blood pumping and the respirator test facility was an amazing challenge. It was all really enjoyable and rewarding.

I look forward now to beginning my career as a Royal Air Force Reservist and visiting many of the far-flung places where we serve. For me it’s the chance to see the latest generation aircraft as they arrive and help deliver vital humanitarian aid where it’s needed most. How many jobs let you do that? “

Officer Commanding Training Wing, Wing Commander Pete Whiting, said: “The training at RAF Halton is designed to take the new recruit and transform them into an airman fit for Operations by laying in place the foundation stones they will build on throughout their career. “

Officer Commanding Recruit Training Squadron, Sqn Ldr Matt Tope said: “Today is a proud day for Tim, as well as his family; achieving success in our training programme requires mental, physical and emotional strength, because the course is far from easy, and a great sense of achievement is felt by all, including the instructors who help them towards their objective of graduating.He is more than ready to start his career, and build on what he has achieved already. The Operational environment poses significant challenges, and training our people optimally prepares them for these challenges.”

He added: “The RAF is always looking for more people to join in our success, and I would encourage anybody who thinks they may be interested in a fast-moving and demanding environment to visit their local Armed Forces Careers Office or go to”

Tim was congratulated on his achievement by parade Reviewing Officer, Air-Vice Marshal Andrew Turner who presented Tim with his graduation certificate.