Fly-tipper floored after being caught in the act by passer-by

A man who dumped a roll of carpet in a quiet country lane in Taplow has been prosecuted in court thanks to the eagle eyes of a member of the public who witnessed the incident and reported it to Buckinghamshire Council.

On Wednesday 18 January, Tajinder Shama of Summer Lea in Slough, pleaded guilty to illegally dumping a carpet in Huntswood Lane in Taplow on Sunday 3 July 2022.

The court heard that a member of the public who was on an afternoon walk saw a van reversing into a driveway in Huntswood Lane. The witness saw a number of men struggling at the back of the van and so took note of the registration number. On returning to the spot a short while later the witness saw that a large roll of carpet had been dumped there.

The member of the public reported the fly-tipping to the council, and the fly-tipping enforcement team started an investigation. The van was registered to Mr Shama who was interviewed. He admitted that he had taken some friends to the location, and they had dumped the carpet from the van, although he denied actually dumping the waste himself.

Magistrates fined Mr Shama £461 with a £184 victim surcharge.  He was also ordered to pay costs of £1,126.74, making a total to pay of £1.771.74.

Gareth Williams, Buckinghamshire Council’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment said: “This case shows that Buckinghamshire Council takes all reports of fly-tipping seriously and with the help of eagle-eyed members of the public, like the gentleman in this case, we will seek to prosecute offenders. You can’t pull the rug from under us when it comes to fly-tipping in Bucks!”

To report fly-tipping anywhere in Buckinghamshire visit: