Forum cash helping to keep roads safe in Buckingham

Roads across Buckingham could be safer thanks to a grant of £3,560 from Buckinghamshire County Council Buckingham Local Area Forum (LAF).

The LAF has teamed up with Buckingham Community Speed Watch Group to buy a state-of-the-art mobile speed camera which can be used by parishes around Buckingham.

The small digital speed detection camera enables errant drivers to be identified by recorded footage, avoiding the need of volunteers to stand at the side of the road writing down the details as with the old technology

Warren Whyte, LAF chairman and Speed Watch volunteer, said: “Thanks to our CommunitySpeed Watchvolunteers, we have been able to undertake SpeedWatch sessions aroundBuckingham, and withthis new equipment funded by thecounty council, it will bemucheasier to set up and use in future sessions.

“With the easier to use new camera, wecan have additional Speed Watch sessions and help encourage better driving aroundBuckingham parishes. By working togetherwe can all help to makethe roads a lot safer.”