Free Barn Dance

The Whitchurch Morris Men – Something To Think About

Our year has started well with tours and ales with local sides and some from much further afield. Spring isn’t far away and the ales and practice nights continue right up until the start of the dancing out season and this year we’re starting earlier.

Did you listen to Clare Balding on Christmas Day? She was in raptures over a folk duo called Belshazzar’s Feast, live in the studio.

Last year we met several local sides around Aylesbury and many commented that perhaps we should formalise these meetings more. This year, St George’s Day (23rd April) falls on a Saturday and you’re all invited to a FREE BARN DANCE in the evening. The local Morris sides:- Whitchurch MM, Towersey MM, Aldbury MM, Three Horseshoes Morris Dancers and New Moon Morris will tour the Vale for the day and finish off with a massed Morris display in Friars Square at 4 p.m. Once we’ve regained our strength, we’ll head for Wilstone Village Hall and host the Barn Dance. I can’t promise that you’ll find Belshazzar’s Feast there but there will be just as many good a musician listen and dance to.

Refreshments will be available for a modest fee and a fish and chip van will be available for you to purchase your supper. Bells and beards are not a prerequisite nor age or infirmity a bar. Essentially, we’re inviting everyone who wishes, to come and join us for as cheap and entertaining night out as it’s possible to have.

FREE BARN DANCE at Wilstone Village Hall

7 – 11 p.m. 23 April 2016

All you have to do is turn up on the evening but if you want to know more, please contact us through our website:-

Meanwhile our normal practice nights continue on Tuesday evenings at 8:15pm in Wilstone Village Hall. All men and boys are welcome to join us and the 2016 WMM’s programme of regular events is now available on our website.

Written by: 49