Green Ink Books
IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS and for ages under 10, purchase from the new Wendover Bookshop (Real Magic) or Agora or Amazon
- The Giant of Jiggery Pokery, and his Amazing Seven League boots
- A Racehorse called Spirit of Springbok, Further adventures of the Four Sams Belvedere
SM Thornton plans for FIVE further children’s books to follow in 2023 and there is a WW2 adult non-fiction true story in the pipeline for as soon as possible.
Her vision is to get young readers, writers, illustrators, and reviewers into print, and she is also a member of Chiltern Writers.
To help achieve the vision, she has booked a year of small adverts with Wendover News. She is also helped by Carl of Real Magic Books, Kim of Agora, Sandra of the Bucks Herald, and Jane of Wendover News. “ … I am keen to bring together small children’s groups especially whilst the library is closed for refurbishment” so that will include:
Library events for children, involving reading, writing reviewing and drawing
- Real Magic Books and their book shop events
- Wendover Singers Children’s Community Choir and their young friends
- Chiltern Writers and associated children’s authors
- Parents and teachers of small children’s groups
- Other children’s groups
- Wendover Parish Council and the Lionel Abel Smith Trust, both of whom have helped with generous ‘seed funding’ for the adult and children’s choirs
SM Thornton can be booked for reading children’s books to schools. The first five applicants will not be charged. (Free of charge for the first five sessions and then discounted thereafter for local schools and readers. who live locally).
The actual cost to the writer of each children’s book is £6.50 and this includes a charity donation of £1 per book sold. It also begins to repay SM Thornton’s illustrator.
SM Thornton currently self-publishes on Amazon who take 40% of each book (for marketing!!) so she will be increasing the Amazon price to be nearer (or more than) local book shop prices.
Her charities include:
For children
- End Polio Now Bill Gates will triple any donation for this charity if given through a Rotary organisation, thus generating £3 donation per book sold
- Local community singing groups
- Library projects
For a Christmas story
- St Mary’s Church
And for WW2 stories for adults
- Other services charities
- A war memorial in Holland
You can speak or write to SM Thornton on the following:
07525 777888